<\/td> |
Meka BL233 extra long stroke rams are suitable for long <\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table> leaf gates and also installations where geometry measurements of normal stroke rams are not possible due to hinge positions on posts. Limit switches are supplied with the ram.<\/p>
This motor replaces the BL230 short stroke<\/p> <\/p> The GIBID operator BL233 has a very sturdy structure and it has been designed for big leaves or blind panel, in fact it has a optimal resistance to wind. It is capable to move also condo leaves up to 5 meters. This operator 230V is handled by the control unit F4 PLUS. It has the built-in electric limit switches on both opening and closing, therefore it can perfectly lock the gate without any excessive efforts.<\/p> Suggestion. If applied to leaves longer than 2,5 meters, we suggest the use of an electric lock.<\/p>
<\/p> A90591P Moving part :- Bronze nut for endless screw electromechanical operator BL233. This nut is the one that slides on the endless screw and transmits the movement to the leaf. It's placed inside a holder inserted in the front bracket of the gate.<\/p> <\/p>
P9AE04150-S Limit switched only for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor<\/p> <\/p> <\/p> If you need a complete limit switch only for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products<\/p>
<\/p> P9AX91530-S Limit switch holder only for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor<\/p> <\/p> <\/p> If you need a complete limit switch holders for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products<\/p>
<\/p> A90700P limit switch with holder and wire for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor<\/p> If you need a complete limit switch set for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products<\/p> <\/p>
<\/strong><\/p> <\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>GiBiDi BL233 Electromechanical 230V Operator Easy to Install Motor and limit switches already cabled, reinforced fixing brackets included. Silent and fast Type of use : Intensive Voltage : 230V Rod speed : 16mm\/s Max rod stroke : 500mm Max gate Leaf 5m
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£672.00 Inc VAT Excl Tax: £560.00
Gibidi Meka long BL233 230V ARM |
Meka BL233 extra long stroke rams are suitable for long
leaf gates and also installations where geometry measurements of normal stroke rams are not possible due to hinge positions on posts. Limit switches are supplied with the ram.
This motor replaces the BL230 short stroke The GIBID operator BL233 has a very sturdy structure and it has been designed for big leaves or blind panel, in fact it has a optimal resistance to wind. It is capable to move also condo leaves up to 5 meters. This operator 230V is handled by the control unit F4 PLUS. It has the built-in electric limit switches on both opening and closing, therefore it can perfectly lock the gate without any excessive efforts. Suggestion. If applied to leaves longer than 2,5 meters, we suggest the use of an electric lock. A90591P Moving part :- Bronze nut for endless screw electromechanical operator BL233. This nut is the one that slides on the endless screw and transmits the movement to the leaf. It's placed inside a holder inserted in the front bracket of the gate.
P9AE04150-S Limit switched only for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor If you need a complete limit switch only for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products P9AX91530-S Limit switch holder only for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor If you need a complete limit switch holders for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products A90700P limit switch with holder and wire for 1 motor end 2 needed per motor If you need a complete limit switch set for 1 motor you have to purchase 2 of this products
GiBiDi BL233 Electromechanical 230V Operator Easy to Install Motor and limit switches already cabled, reinforced fixing brackets included. Silent and fast Type of use : Intensive Voltage : 230V Rod speed : 16mm/s Max rod stroke : 500mm Max gate Leaf 5m
* Based on residence in United Kingdom. Tax rates for other countries will be calculated at the checkout. Price exclusive of tax: £560.00.
2020 Copyright A T Ball Electrics All Rights Reserved gibidi@gibidiautomation.co.uk Office 01773 719 347 Adrian 07971 475 781 Head office:-The Old Bake House Office 31 Moorgreen Newthorpe Nottingham NG162FD VAT Registration Number is 230 5806 33
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